Twelve Days of Anime 2015 Part 11: Asuka Tanaka and The Reality of Inconsistency

imageI recently marathoned through KyoAni’s outstanding high school drama, Hibike! Euphonium.  One of my favorite reasons to watch was the character Asuka Tanaka.  When I took to Twitter to talk about my experiences with the series, I discovered, to my great surprise, that she is far from universally beloved among the fans.  Some even refer to her as an out-and-out bad person.  This is a claim that I simply can’t get on board with.  However, at the same time, Asuka’s behavior is so inconsistent that it’s difficult for me to put forth a competing characterization.  Though I feel we won’t truly grasp what makes her tick until season two airs in 2016, I believe that the thing that makes Asuka so fascinating is, in fact, this very inconsistency.

Warning, this piece hits a few spoiler notes.

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Twelve Days of Anime 2015 Part 11: Asuka Tanaka and The Reality of Inconsistency