Twelve Days of Anime 2015 Part 9: The Two Stories of Diebuster

nono1I absolutely cannot believe I waited this long to watch Diebuster.  I have never been more annoyed with past-me accepting the views of other critics as gospel truth, regardless of how “big time” the critic or how vehemently expressed the opinion.  In many ways, this notion of freeing myself from previously held biases and expectations has been the story of my fandom in 2015.  It was a year of trying things I’d been led to believe were not good and…and actually liking them.  By the middle of the year, I was re-evaluating a lot of my previously adopted standards and filters.

BUT…that doesn’t have much to do with the anime at hand.

So, I did a kinda scattershot podcast about Diebuster in late November.  I shared a lot of my opinions about the series there, but I didn’t exhaust my thoughts on it by any means.  So, I’m going to briefly discuss one of the coolest aspects of a show with tons of coolest aspects, namely its ability to be read as two separate stories.

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Twelve Days of Anime 2015 Part 9: The Two Stories of Diebuster